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sustainability mission

From designing products to maintaining our websites, our head office team are at the heart of what we do. It is important for us to encourage initiatives within our workspaces that have a positive impact on the environment. 

Reducing our carbon footprint

  • sustainability mission

  • Sass & Belle has a flexible Work From Home Policy, that allows staff to be able to fulfill their duties remotely several days a week.
  • Our Head Office team is spread far and wide across London and beyond. Allowing them to work from home reduces our carbon footprint by eliminating their commute


  • sustainability mission

  • We recycle paper, metal, plastic and cardboard waste from our Head Office and Warehouse.
  • We are always encouraging employees to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Water bottles for all

  • sustainability mission

  • We encourage all staff at our Sass & Belle Head Office and Warehouse, to banish single-use plastics by providing them with their own personalised metal water bottle.
  • This initiative also extends to our team's lifestyle outside of the office.

Filtered water

  • sustainability mission

  • We have moved away from traditional office water coolers that require changeable water tanks.
  • Instead we use water cooling and filtration machines that are plumbed directly into the water mains. This reduces our carbon footprint as well as the production of plastic to make the traditional water cooler bottles.

Reducing single-use plastic

  • sustainability mission

  • We encourage our team to reduce their use of single-use materials by providing glassware, crockery and cutlery to use throughout the work day.
  • We also have kitchen areas so that they can prepare and heat food if they wish to enjoy a hot meal without having to order takeaway foods which often come in containers that are tricky to recycle.